• Welcome to
    South International School
    Clarifying abstract and complex ideas

From Managing Director's Desk

As it says “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” . The South International School tries its level best to instill the young brains with knowledge along with ethics sense as well as emotions. The school is well equipped with all the facilities where a child can perform to his/her maximum potential. 

It has been five long years since the school started functioning. After the foundation of the school, we maintained quality education and will be trying for the same in the future.

With the support of the staff and families, our students explore, express, and excel academically and creatively. We as tutors and guides, simply play our role in being the path enlighteners, enabling the children to trudge along. The school is striving hard to make the best possible efforts to inculcate strong values combined with academics and extra-curricular activities in the children. Excellence is never an accident; it's always the result of high intention, sincere efforts, intelligent direction and skillful execution."


Smart Class Room

A Smart Class at the South International School is a classroom that cultivates education by openi.... Read More >>


The library at South International School is a place that encourages the love for reading ju.... Read More >>

RFID System

We consider the Safety and Security of the students of prime importance to the school.


3D Room

Students now a days live in Multimedia world utilizing video as essential instrument of correspon.... Read More >>


South International School's Auditorium is the most happening place for students and teachers.... Read More >>

Music Room

We believe music is an important part of human life. 

South International School i....
