A Smart Class at the South International School is a classroom that cultivates education by opening doors to digital teaching and learning methods for both the teachers and the students by coordinating the latest advancements in technology with academics.

The objectives of such classrooms are to invoke interest in education among the students by introducing them to real-time e-learning with the help of audio and videos, multimedia, images, online web-references, PPT presentations, 2D & 3D animations, etc.

Every class in the South International School is assisted with touch-sensitive smart board technology. The smart board enables the kids to have an enhanced education. The audio-visual units are really a helpful gadget in the field of education as they ensure the child’s concentration in the class. The young minds are not at all attracted to the boring old concepts of education. When the world changes the concept of imparting education should also be changed. The way of teaching methodology can be improved by the technology. As we all know human development is the most important resource of the earth, and then the approach of educating them should be in an innovative way.

 It acts as a large white tablet replacing the traditional backboard with a touch screen and the chalk with a smart pen, which educators use to write on the whiteboard.